
In the 1980s, Don and Helen Robertson began their mission work to include well drilling in Haiti. Don was a retired well driller and Haiti was in need of clean water. With the support of his community, numerous volunteers, and relationships that stretched decades, Don brought clean water to the northern plain. Hundreds of wells have been drilled in school yards, churches, and clinics. In addition, many Haitians have come to know Christ through Don and Helen’s actions and their love for the Haitian people.

In 2005, Bryan Odegard accompanied Don and a team of volunteers to Haiti. The impact of such a trip is profound on all who take it and it was no different for Bryan. Each subsequent trip, there was always a desire to learn more, help more, and leverage resources more. Bryan made numerous trips, organized work teams, and coordinated the work on the field. Over 20+ years, Don made 50+ trips to Haiti.

In 2010, Bryan and Brad Odegard formed globalH2Ope to continue the work started by Don and Helen Robertson and to ensure that hundreds of wells drilled will continue to provide clean water for generations to come.

Who We Are

globalH2Ope is a faith-based, non-profit organization with a focused mission on providing clean water in third-world countries. It is a Fargo-based organization providing leadership, equipment, education, and training volunteers and foreign nationals to support its mission. In Haiti, globalH2Ope employs and trains local workers and ensures plans for clean water are executed successfully year-round.

Core Purpose

globalH2Ope exists to significantly improve the lives of those in need through water ministries.

Guiding Principles

  • Integrity

  • Faith

  • Individual Initiative

  • Committed to Excellence

  • Discipline

Why Water?

There are many water-related statistics which makes it clear the importance for clean water and the consequences for not taking action. Every 15 seconds, a child dies from a water-related illness. The list goes on.

In Haiti, there have been two significant events have made this more visible to the world. Following the earthquake in 2010, the population of Cap Haitien and the northern plain swelled with people moving from Port Au Prince. The infrastructure, to include sources of clean water, was not adequate to serve the current residence let alone the surge. globalH2Ope was on the ground to keep the existing pumps working while drilling additional wells. Following the cholera outbreak, clean water is the only long-term solution. globalH2Ope continues to send work teams and supports the efforts of local Haitians in drilling of new wells and the maintenance of existing pumps.

Without clean water, it is difficult to heal the sick. Without clean water, it is difficult to teach the children. Without clean water, it is difficult to receive the Word of God. Clean water improves the human condition which plays a significant role in improving the overall quality of life.